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Showing posts from March, 2015

A young man died of cancer who could live more, but people didn't let him.... !

The teacher was conveying lectures when he entered the room, he examined one of us "Is it a class of IR?" On getting a positive answer, he seated and began to listen the address deliberately. After the lecture, he went and came following day in class. He was older than every one of us in class, around 28 years of age. Amid individual introductions, he told that he is the owner of a remarkable restaurant in a city, Al-Bur Fried. Time flew and two semesters gone in a flicker of an eye. Performance of his two semesters was exceptional. He was a splendid and scholarly individual. The reason behind why he continued inspiring every one of us in the department was his time management ability. He was an occupied man, yet he generally figured out how to get leisure time for his study and was contending his colleagues with decent grades.         Ali Raza Hayat student of  MA International Relations Everything was fine until he discovered he is experiencing the fatal disease.

Pakistan and Yemen-Saudi Conflict

Pakistan and Yemen-Saudi Conflict The current situation in the Gulf region has evoked hot debate in Pakistan. Many analysts believe that this is not Pakistan's war and should not jump to it as Pakistanis are already facing consequences of Afghan proxy war. Defense Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Asif recently stated that Pakistan supports Saudi border integrity, but will not take part in a conflict that divides Muslim Ummah. The defense minister's statement comes a day after Saudi Arabia said that Pakistan will join its operation against Iran-backed Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen, for a conflict that is rapidly accelerating into a threatening civil war. The minister's announcement today, apparently prevents Pakistan's immediate participation in the Yemen conflict . Though Pakistan's current government has deep and very cordial relations with Saudi Arabia, but yet this move of peaceful settlement of conflict between Yemen and Saudi Arabia is being appreciated by both cr