The teacher was conveying lectures when he entered the room, he examined one of us "Is it a class of IR?" On getting a positive answer, he seated and began to listen the address deliberately. After the lecture, he went and came following day in class. He was older than every one of us in class, around 28 years of age. Amid individual introductions, he told that he is the owner of a remarkable restaurant in a city, Al-Bur Fried. Time flew and two semesters gone in a flicker of an eye. Performance of his two semesters was exceptional. He was a splendid and scholarly individual. The reason behind why he continued inspiring every one of us in the department was his time management ability. He was an occupied man, yet he generally figured out how to get leisure time for his study and was contending his colleagues with decent grades.
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Ali Raza Hayat student of MA International Relations |
Everything was fine until he discovered he is experiencing the fatal disease. On Eid-ul-Azha, he called me and said he is admitted to the hospital. Following a couple of hours, they discharged him, yet the exact following day we both, me, and my companion, went to the Allied Hospital for MRI. After three days Ali, old buddy, messaged me. The words I read very nearly swooned me. Result of MRI report was out of everybody's desires. Specialist let him know that he was experiencing "Brain Tumor". All of a sudden, everything changed in his life. Within two weeks after specialists consultancy, the tumor was operated in National Hospital Defense, Lahore. The Third semester was going to start. He called me and let me know that he needs to proceed with his study. After 3-4 weeks of operation, he came University, yet this time he was not on his feet. Because of the right-sided tumor in the brain, he was semi-paralyze and couldn't walk or move his left side body parts. He was in a wheelchair when he came to meet every one of us and faculty staff. He was grinning, laughing and enjoying the company of his companions. After the visit of the University, he told me that he is feeling good and prepared to proceed with his semester. I encouraged him and asked him to join us as soon as possible.
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Ali Raza Hayat in a wheelchair after operation, yet he managed to come University |
Anyway because of a wheelchair, he was not able to attend all his lectures. His sister figured out how to accompany him. Indeed, after so many health obstacles faculty of our department was not ready to give him favor of attendance. He went to Director of Advance Studies of University, however, he declined to hear him and told him that everything is in the hands of your Head Of Department. After a negative reaction from Director of Studies, he went to Vice Chancellor of University yet couldn't meet him because of his occupied calendar. My companion in a wheelchair with his sister used to go ahead a consistent schedule, but nobody was ready to listen him. Prior to the midterm exam of the third semester, he called me and asked me some help. I went to his home and set him up for examination. Following the day before the examination, his sister asked, "Are you certain Ali they will give you a chance to attempt your exam?" Ali answered "When my educators will see me in this condition, semi-paralyzed sitting in a wheelchair, certainly yes, they will give me a chance to sit in examination corridor". When they came to the department, HOD declined and exhorted him that "Overlook study and freeze your semester". His sister asked for HOD that specialists have advised not to deny his wish, please give him a chance to attempt his paper. In any case, the refusal was settled. After the paper, I went to his home, tears were moving down from his cheeks. On the table, there was a golden color pen. He picked up that pen and said "I would prefer not to stop. I needn't bother with a degree. I'm not making this for a showing. I've effectively great business. I simply need to study only because it is my wish to study books and to pick up information. I want to sit in class and attending my lectures, then why they are not permitting me to study? Is it wrongdoing to study in this condition?" and after that he stayed silent. I guaranteed him that he could attempt exams not long after his treatment. Her sister lets me know that because of the refusal by HOD, he is taking anxiety, which is hazardous in his treatment.
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After opertion in National Hospital Defense, Lahore |
Following few days, specialists admitted him to Shaukat Khanum Hospital for radiotherapy. Amid his treatment in Lahore, he continued calling me and getting some information about the University. Amid the most of this, third semester passed and he needed to freeze his semester. Following 7 months of his first operation, specialists did the second operation of his tumor and after operation specialist let him know that now he can focus on his study. But unfortunately he couldn't. One week ago at midnight, I got an instant message "Ali died.... His funeral will be at 9 'O clock in the morning". Prior to his passing, he asked her sister "when I can join semester?" she answered "Soon" yet he couldn't go along with, he couldn't satisfy his last wish before his demise. A young man died of cancer who could live all the more, but some individuals didn't give him a chance to.
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